USD 413 Public Schools are located in Chanute, within Neosho County and in the southeastern part of the state. More than 300 staff and faculty are employed at our 5 attendance centers.
There are approximately 1,800 students in grades K-12, including 540 at the high school, 400 sixth, seventh and eighth graders at the middle school, and 875 kindergarten through fifth graders at the elementary school. Our early learning center serves about 100 at-risk preschool and special needs children, who range from three to five years in age.
Across the district, there are more than 130 certified teachers, 250 support staff, and 30 special education professionals employed through the ANW Special Education Interlocal.
Before making a decision to join Chanute Public Schools, we invite you to learn more about our schools, our policies, and our benefits.
We offer paid health and life insurance, competitive salaries and benefits, ranking in the:
Top 15 % for starting salaries for teachers
Top 2 % in strength of salary schedule
Top 7 % in salaries over a 20-year career

We support our Staff through
Paid Professional Development Days
One-on-One Mentoring Program
Tuition Reimbursement
Professional Learning Communities in each school
Summer Institute for collaborative planning for the next school year
To find more detailed information about our school year, curriculum, district policies, or how we rate on the Kansas Report Card, use the menu links for easy access.
Thank YOU for considering Chanute Public Schools as your next school family.
District Policy Handbook Updated 10/2024
Classified Staff Handbook Updated 10/2024
Negotiated Agreement 24-25 Updated 10/2024